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Asturianu 101. Outcomes and future projects, en SAnTINA III
14 de noviembre, 3:15-4:15pm, EST, dende la Florida
Diciembre (dos eventos)
University of California Riverside
3 de diciembre, 10am, PST
Inauguración y presentación del nuevo ciclo de Asturianu 101, organizado por Covadonga Lamar Prieto y Miriam Villazón Valbuena, de University of California Riverside
👉🏼 Elecciones a los nuevos cargos de Asturian Studies 👈🏼
Zoom ID: 964 7878 5794
Universitatea Ştefan cel Mare Suceava
Entamáu por Darío de Dios Sanz, de l’Universidá d’Uviéu
20 de febreru
- Claudia Elena Menéndez Fernández (Universidá d’Uviéu). Fizo’l Grau en Lengua Española y les sos Lliteratures n’Uviéu, defendió na mesma universidá la so tesis doctorral sobre’l sistema de denomación de los neños espósitos n’Asturies y ye anguaño profesora sustituta nel Departamentu de Filoloxía Española.
- Pedro Riesco García (Universitat d’Alacant). Fizo’l Grau n’Estudios Clásicos y Románicos n’Uviéu y ta a piques de defender equí la so tesis doctoral sobre los verbos psicolóxicos del llatín. Ta acabantes empezar el cursu como sustitutu na Universitat d’Alacant.
- Víctor Bargiela Zotes (UNED). Fizo’l Grau en Llingüística na Universitat de Barcelona y tien bastante avanzáu’l so trabayu de tesis sobre la prosodia gallega y asturiana como investigador de la UNED con una beca predoctoral de La Caixa.
Organizado por Eva Álvarez Vázquez, de la University of Massachusetts Amherst
Contará con la participación de Tomás Estrada Hevia, experto en música asturiana de la University of Massachusetts Amherst e Isabel Álvarez Sancho de Oklahoma State University
“A comparative typological study between Asturian and Cheyenne”
This study offers a typological comparison between Asturian, an Indo-European language belonging to the Romance language family, and Cheyenne, an Algonquian language of the Great Plains, based on a wide range of morphosyntactic (morphological complexity, case marking, verbal agreement, alignment, etc.), semantic (TAM expression, categorization, etc.), phonological and phonetic (phoneme inventory, prosodic features, syllabic structure, etc.), and pragmatic criteria (word order, etc.). The results of this study will show that, despite the significant contrasts between the two language families, it is also possible to identify important similarities, such as the presence of syntactic and semantic iconicity in complex sentence formation.
Avelino Corral Esteban works as a Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor in Linguistics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, where he teaches courses on syntax, historical linguistics, and information structure. His main areas of research cover the interaction between syntax, semantics, and pragmatics across languages, with a focus on Native American, Romance, Germanic, and Celtic languages. He has participated in 8 research projects, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Arts and Humanities Research Council in the UK, and the Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival in the USA, and he leads the Honóxease Project, whose aim is to foster the preservation and revitalization of the Cheyenne language. He also received the Phillips Fund grant for Native American Research and the Benjamin Franklin grant from the American Philosophical Society. He is the author of 2 books, published by Routledge and Peter Lang, 11 book chapters, published by Cambridge University Press, De Gruyter, John Benjamins, Peter Lang, and Routledge, and more than twenty research articles, which have appeared in major linguistics journals (Acta Linguistica Academica, Journal of Language Contact, and Journal of Language and Intercultural Communication, RESLA, WORD, and Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie).
Organizado por Azahara Cañedo, de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Fecha: 22 de mayo de 2025 (jueves)
Hora: 17h España
Temática: Medios públicos de proximidad y lenguas minoritarias
- Aida Martori (Univertitat Autònoma de Barcelona) – Hablará de TV3 y el catalán
- Tania Fernández Lombao (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) – Hablará de TVGA y el gallego
- Rubén Ramos (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) – Hablará de Aragón TV y el aragonés.