
Asturianu 101, 2023-2024

During the academic year 2023-2024, the conference series Asturianu 101 will be hosted by different universities in the US, the UK and Spain, and will again welcome various international experts on Asturian Studies. The University of California Riverside will open the series and Oklahoma State University will close it.

Find the information on the fliers below and join us! The events are free and open to the public.

Check back soon for more updates on the rest of the events!

University of California Riverside

Asturianu 101 at University of California Riverside featured a conversation between Miriam Villazón Valbuena, Miguel Muñoz Valtierra (both from UC Riverside) and Cristina Bleortu (University of Zurich) about Dr. Bleortu’s book, Aproximación al habla de La Pola Siero. Variación lingüística: descripción y percepción

University of Central Florida

Asturianu 101 at the University of Central Florida will feature Matthew Burner (University of Wisconsin-Madison) in conversation with Paco Fernández Rubiera (University of Central Florida)

Universidá d’Uviéu

The University of Oviedo will host a conversation between Claudia Elena Menéndez Fernández and Darío de Dios Sanz (both from the University of Oviedo)

University of Sussex

Join us for a dialogue between María Turrero-García, from Drew University, and Alba Arias, from the University of Sussex

Oklahoma State University

Asturianu 101 at Oklahoma State University will center around Asturian Cultural Industries (film, music, tv…) in a roundtable moderated by Isabel Álvarez Sancho (Oklahoma State University) with participants Eva Álvarez Vázquez (University of Massachusetts-Amherst), Luke Bowe (New York University) and Azahara Cañedo (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)

ALCESXXI – 2024 (Santiago de Compostela): “¡Compañera, dame tira!” Centrando los feminismos de las periferias del mundo ibérico

Join us for our forthcoming seminar dedicated to peripheral feminisms to be held during the 2024 Jornadas of ALCESXXI. Follow the link for more information:

«¡Compañera, dame tira!» Valiéndose de una expresión de la industria minera, mujeres y aliadas tomaron las calles de Mieres para celebrar el #8M de 2023, por primera vez fuera de las grandes ciudades de Asturias, para reivindicar “una cuenca minera feminista y dinamitera”. Inspirado por este llamamiento a la solidaridad, una historia de activismo feminista asturiano y el renovado interés por las escritoras, activistas, cineastas y artistas en Asturias, este seminario busca acoger a participantes que deseen explorar los roles y representaciones de las mujeres y de las comunidades LGBTQ en Asturias, así como en otras periferias del mundo ibérico. Serán especialmente bienvenidas las contribuciones relacionadas con las lenguas minorizadas de este espacio.

Organizado por miembros de la SAnTINA (Society for the Analysis of cultural Topics and linguistic Identities N’Asturies), este seminario se plantea como una continuación de las conversaciones sobre los estudios asturianos empezadas en conferencias como las V Jornadas de ALCESXXI en Oviedo. Sin embargo, el seminario quiere invitar intervenciones sobre otras áreas geográficas —y en otras lenguas— del mundo ibérico para buscar interconexiones, sinergías y comparaciones productivas en un marco interseccional.

Posibles líneas de investigación sobre las mujeres y las comunidades LGBTQ incluyen:

– La historia del feminismo en Asturias
– La lucha obrera desde una perspectiva de género
– Análisis del cine, la literatura, los cómics, el arte, el teatro y la música de mujeres y comunidades LGBTQ
– Representaciones culturales de las mujeres y comunidades LGBTQ en la historia de Asturias y otras áreas
– La política y el activismo feminista desde un punto de vista interseccional
– El asturiano y otras lenguas minorizadas
– Las redes sociales desde una perspectiva de género y/o periferia
– Acercamientos sociolingüísticos y glotopolíticos


Isabel Álvarez Sancho

Luke Michael Bowe

Darío Sánchez González

Miriam Villazón Valbuena

Minoritized Iberian Languages: Asturian 101 Series
Linguistic Justice and Multimodal Variation Workshop Series

Miriam Villazón Valbuena, PhD candidate at the University of California, Riverside, is organizing a series of events in collaboration with UCR College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences; UCR Center for Ideas and Society; and the Department of Hispanic Studies at UC Riverside.

All events feature lectures by Professor Claudia Elena Menéndez Fernández, from the University of Oviedo, Spain, about different aspects of the Asturian language, and are followed by roundtables with other experts on Asturian language and culture.

These events are free and open to the public. To attend, please register through the link in the posters, or by scanning their QR code. These are the topics and dates:

· Industrias culturales, April 18th, 2023, 9am (Pacific time), with Isabel Álvarez Sancho (Oklahoma State University), Nicolás Bardio (Ediciones Radagast), Blanca Fernández Quintana (“No que cinca los seres de lleenda”), Xicu Ariza ( and Diego Solís (Revista Formientu).

· Lengua y escolarización, March 6th, 2023, 9am (Pacific time), with Claudia Elena Menéndez Fernández (Universidá d’Uviéu), María Turrero-García (Drew University), Inaciu Galán y González (Academia de la Llingua Asturiana) and Andrea Faber (Kansas State University).

· Lengua y archivo, February 23, 2023, 9am (Pacific time), with Claudia Elena Menéndez Fernández (Universidá d’Uviéu), Covadonga Lamar Prieto (University of California, Riverside) and Cristina Bleorţu (University of Zürich).

· Introducción a las lenguas minorizadas: El asturiano, January 26, 2023, 9am (Pacific time), with Claudia Elena Menéndez Fernández (Universidá d’Uviéu), Darío de Dios Sanz (Universidá d’Uviéu), Avelino Corral Esteban (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and Miriam Villazón Valbuena (University of California, Riverside).

CFP: SAnTINA Conference 2023

This was the call for papers for the conference we celebrated in May, 2023. To access all the conference information, visit its webpage:

Society for the Analysis of cultural Topics and linguistic Identities N’Asturies

Inside and Outside Asturies

We welcome papers related to the field of Asturian Studies, understood in the broader sense of examining the language, culture and history of Asturias and Asturian people from the perspective of the social sciences and the humanities. Topics might include, but are not limited to, Asturian language, linguistics, literature, cinema, music, visual arts, history, activism, migration, sports, industry, health, and the environment.

This second iteration of the SAnTINA conference will be hosted by Oklahoma State University and led by Prof. Isabel Álvarez Sancho, Associate Professor at Oklahoma State University and vice president of the academic initiative Asturian Studies. It will be held completely virtually on May 3rd and 4th, 2023, and is free of charge for participants. 

SAnTINA 2023 is coordinated in collaboration with the Asturian Studies working group, whose president, Prof. Covadonga Lamar Prieto, and community manager Miriam Villazón Valbuena, both from University of California-Riverside, hosted the first SAnTINA conference in 2021. Asturian Studies/SAnTINA is an academic initiative aimed to continue developing the field of Asturian Studies as well as to disseminate Asturian culture internationally. 

Submission Guidelines

  • Abstracts and participants’ information must be submitted through this google form by January 15th, 2023 (extended deadline).
  • Authors may submit up to two abstracts, one individual and one jointly.
  • Contributions may be in Asturian, Spanish, English or a combination of them.
  • Notifications of acceptance will be sent starting January 31st.

Summary of Important Dates and Information


  • Please direct any questions to:

Laboral, Ciudad de la Cultura

Diaspóriques: Conversaciones con la diáspora

The summer of 2022 we organized in Xixón a series of roundtables focused on dialogues between Asturian academics and cultural creators who reside inside and outside of Asturias. It was hosted by the Laboral, Ciudad de la Cultura, and sponsored by the Principado de Asturias. The events were free and open to the public.

During the 2022 inaugural year we had two roundtables, presented in tandem with the Seminariu de Filoloxía Asturiana from the Universidad de Oviedo. The first one, entitled “El asturiano dentro y fuera de Asturias” featured a conversation between Covadonga Lamar Prieto, from the University of California-Riverside, Ramón D’Andrés, from the Universidad de Oviedo, and Imanol Suárez Palma, from the University of Florida. The second round table developed the topic “El asturiano y las redes sociales” and included Miriam Villazón Valbuena, from the University of California-Riverside, and Claudia Menéndez Fernández, from the University of Oviedo. It was moderated by Isabel Álvarez Sancho, from Oklahoma State University.

Our concern about the increase of COVID-19 cases in Asturies during the month of July made us stop the conversations for the summer. We will be back next year with more fascinating topics.

Estudios Asturianos in ALCESXXI, 2022

In July, 2022, we met in the University of Oviedo, within the V Jornadas ALCES XXI, to share our research on Asturian Studies. Our seminar, organized by Isabel Álvarez Sancho (Oklahoma State University) and Covadonga Lamar Prieto (University of California Riverside), included Eva Álvarez Vázquez (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Luke Bowe (New York University), Luis Cuesta (University of Albany), Llorián García Flórez (University of Oviedo), Darío Sánchez González (Gustavus Adolphus College), Miriam Villazón Valbuena (University of California Riverside) and Nataliya Shestakova (University of Castilla-La Mancha).

For more information see:

I SAnTiNA Conference

In October, 2021, we celebrated the inaugural SAnTINA conference, organized by Covadonga Lamar Prieto and Miriam Villazón Valbuena, from the University of California, Riverside, with twenty-four presentations from professors, graduate students and creative writers from nineteen different universities in the US and Canada. To learn more about this event, go to the Santina Conference Webpage:

To learn more about this event, go to: